QR Code Generator API

QR Code Generator API - qRCodeMe (also known as QR code Creator API or qR Code Maker API) is a cross browsers REST API which get a JSON input with some plain text (as explained below), containing one or many fields depending on case and returns a JSON string which contains a base64 encoded image of the QRCode. This base64 encoded string may be the source of any image control at the atribute src. A qR Code is a visual representation of a string formed by alphanumeric characters. It is widely used to encode information of many types like: plain text, numeric codes, alphanumeric codes, web links, wi-fi connection data like SSID, password, bitcoin payment data, Skype calling, Whatsapp message, MMS and SMS, calling a phone number, geolocation as latitude and longitude and so on. The most appreciate quality is the qrCode versatility. We have also a BarCode Generator API, Barcodentum, for generating barcodes like: EAN-13, JAN-13, UPC-A, ISBN, ISSN, Code 39, Code 128-A, Code 128-B, Code 128-C which may be found here: Click Here!!

Allthough this Automatic QR Code Generator API (currently we do not offer a QR Code Generator sdk) is intended for software development and therefore developers, we have also here an QR Code Generator online application that may be used to check the input and output JSONs of the API. The necessary steps are written below, basically for this real time QR Code Generator API you send an authorized POST request in JSON format to the API endpoint and you get as JSON response the output as described below through parameters and examples.

This QR Code Generator API is useful for a large number of domains like apps for: product labeling, documents, links follow, items identification etc. You own the commercial copyright of the resulted JSON with no additional fee meaning you may use it in your own apps for sale.

For using our QR Code Generator API and/or APP you must create an account (free of charge, no card required), activate it from your received email, login and then start your TRIAL package with no fees as you can see at our pricing packages. After you have tested the API and/or APP and you are satisfied, you may buy a paid package. You will always see at your Admin Console page the real resources consumption in real time, your invoices, you may see/edit/delete your profile or export log consents as GDPR instructed, you may read our FAQs. You may see some examples below.
qrCode examples

QR Code Generator APP

Choose the input type to Generate QR Code:
Required - Plain Text
Optional - Logo at qRCode center
Optional - Dark Color (color1)

Optional - Light Color (color2)
* You are not required to choose values for Optional Fields!

API Endpoint (method POST):
Authorization: Basic //Your username:password are base64 encoded string
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
JSON Request Body (change inputs here and see in real time below):
  "plainText": "My text to be encoded in qRCode"
JSON Response From API (change inputs here and see in real time below):
  "base64QRCode": "iVBORw0KGgoA...base64 encoded string qRCode...GAElFTkSuQmCC"
JSON Response (Example) From API in case of ERROR:

    "cd": "1001",
    "description": "The authorization header Is either empty Or isn't Basic"

Request Parameters Table

Parameter Name
Parameter Description
[Required] [string] only if you you want to generate QRCode from plain text. It may contains letters, digits, punctuation chars.
[Optional] This is the logo image as base64 encoded string [string] used for placing it in the center of the qrCode generated image as you see in the examples above.
[Optional] This is the Dark Color as hexadecimal html string [string] used for drawing dark colored modules of the QRCode as you see in the examples above. Example: #000000
[Optional] This is the Light Color as hexadecimal html string [string] used for drawing light colored modules of the QRCode as you see in the examples above. Example: #ffffff
[Required] [string] only if you you want to generate QRCode to add a bookmark of a web page in the browser. It requires also bookmarkTitle parameter below. It may contains letters, digits, punctuation chars.
[Required] [string] only if you you want to generate QRCode to add a bookmark of a web page in the browser. It requires also bookmarkUrl parameter above. It may contains letters, digits, punctuation chars.
[Required] [string] only if you you want to generate QRCode to navigate to a certain url from the web. It may contains letters, digits, punctuation chars.
[Required] [string] only if you you want to generate QRCode to connect to a WiFi Network in range. It requires also wifiPassword parameter below. It may contains letters, digits, punctuation chars.
[Required] [string] only if you you want to generate QRCode to connect to a WiFi Network in range. It requires also wifiSSID parameter above. It may contains letters, digits, punctuation chars.
[Required] [string] only if you you want to generate QRCode to write a whatsapp message. It may contains letters, digits, punctuation chars.
[Required] [string] only if you you want to generate QRCode to send a certain bitcoinAmount of bitcoins to a certain bitcoinAddress. It may contains letters, digits, punctuation chars.
[Required] [real] only if you you want to generate QRCode to send a certain bitcoinAmount of bitcoins to a certain bitcoinAddress. It may contains letters, digits, punctuation chars.
[Required] [string] only if you you want to generate QRCode to navigate on a certain location on Maps. It may contains letters, digits, punctuation chars.
[Required] [string] only if you you want to generate QRCode to navigate on a certain location on Maps. It may contains letters, digits, punctuation chars.
[Required] [string] only if you you want to generate QRCode to send an email. It requires also parameters emailSubject and emailBody below. It may contains letters, digits, punctuation chars as a normal email address.
[Required] [string] only if you you want to generate QRCode to send an email. It requires also parameters emailAddress and emailBody above and below. It may contains letters, digits, punctuation chars.
[Required] [string] only if you you want to generate QRCode to send an email. It requires also parameters emailSubject and emailAddress above. It may contains letters, digits, punctuation chars.
[Required] [string] only if you you want to generate QRCode to send a mmsMessage to a certain mmsPhone international format number. It may contains digits and + sign.
[Required] [string] only if you you want to generate QRCode to send a mmsMessage to a certain mmsPhone international format number. It may contains letters, digits, punctuation chars.
[Required] [string] only if you you want to generate QRCode to send a smsMessage to a certain smsPhone international format number. It may contains digits and + sign.
[Required] [string] only if you you want to generate QRCode to send a smsMessage to a certain smsPhone number. It may contains letters, digits, punctuation chars.
[Required] [string] only if you you want to generate QRCode to call a certain skypeUser. It may contains letters, digits, punctuation chars.
[Required] [string] only if you you want to generate QRCode to call a phoneNumber, international format. It may contains digits and + sign.

Response Parameter Table

Parameter Name
Parameter Description
This is the base64 encoded string QRCode as [string] and you may put it at the src attribute of every image control you need. Example: <img src="data:image/png;base64, Replace this with your base64QRCode" />

Response Error Codes Table

Parameter Name
Parameter Description

This is the error code which may be:

  • 1001
  • 1002
  • 1003
  • 1004
  • 1005
  • 1006
  • 1007
  • 1008
  • 1009
  • 1010
  • 1011
  • 1012
  • 1013
  • 1014
  • 1015
  • 1016
  • 2001

This is the description of the error code which may be:

  • 1001 - The authorization header is either empty or isn't Basic.
  • 1002 - Daily requests number exceeded in TRIAL mode!
  • 1003 - Trial expired!
  • 1004 - Requests number exceeded!
  • 1005 - Package expired!
  • 1006 - No invoice!
  • 1007 - Reader is NULL for TRIAL!
  • 1008 - Cannot Read if TRIAL exists!
  • 1009 - Error connecting to database looking for TRIAL! (and a detailed description message of the encountered error)
  • 1010 - Reader is NULL for Invoice!
  • 1011 - Cannot Read if Invoice exists!
  • 1012 - Error connecting to database! (and a detailed description message of the encountered error)
  • 1013 - Input request too long! Maximum 5 MB per request are allowed / Nothing to upload
  • 1014 - Invalid request data! (and a detailed description message of the encountered error)
  • 2001 - Invalid request data after passing to the API (and a detailed description message of the encountered error)

Source Code Examples for Using Our QR Code Generator API

Imports System
Imports System.Text
imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Net
Imports Newtonsoft.Json

Public Class qr_code_generator_api
    Public Class ResponseFields
	 Public Property base64QRCode As String
    End Class

    Public Class ErrorFields
        Public Property cd As String
        Public Property description As String
    End Class

    Protected Sub SendRequest()
        Dim Client As WebClient = New WebClient()
        Dim credentials As String = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("your_username:your_password"))
        Client.Headers(HttpRequestHeader.Authorization) = String.Format("Basic {0}", credentials)
        Client.Headers(HttpRequestHeader.Accept) = "application/json"
        Client.Headers(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType) = "application/json"
	Client.BaseAddress = "https://gatiosoft.ro/qrcodeme.aspx"
        Dim resString As String = ""

            Dim js As String = "Replace this string with your JSON Request Body string like in the example above on the website"
            Dim reqString As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(js)
            Dim url As Uri = New Uri(Client.BaseAddress)
            Dim resByte As Byte() = Client.UploadData(url, "post", reqString)
            resString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(resByte)

	    If resString.IndexOf("base64QRCode") > 0 Then
                Dim r As ResponseFields = New ResponseFields()
                r = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of ResponseFields)(resString)
		Dim e As list(of ErrorFields) = New list(of ErrorFields)
		e = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of list(of ErrorFields))(resString)
            End If

        Catch exception As Exception
            Dim ex As System.Exception = exception
            Console.Write("ERROR: " & resString & ex.Message)
        End Try
    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub Main()
	Dim b As qr_code_generator_api = New  qr_code_generator_api
    End Sub
End Class

qRCodeMe Online Video Presentation

QR Code Generator API, qRCodeMe is in the video presentation below. There are several search terms which you may use like: QR Code Generator api, QRCode Generator sdk, QR Code Maker c#, QR Code Creator online, QR Code Generator, automatic QR Code Generator, QR Code Generator python, QR Code Constructor python, real time QR Code Generator python, python QR Code Generator, image processing QR Code Generator.


Pricing Packages

Please choose one of the below pricing packages for start using our QR Code Generator API and online APP!

No catches

  • 7 days TRIAL.
  • Use our cloud REST API and online APP.
  • Maximum 50 requests per DAY in trial period.
  • You do NOT own the commercial copyright for using the API in your apps in trial period.
  • Get 12 types of qRCodes.
  • Configurable colors for qRCode modules.
  • You may put your logo at the cter of qRCode.
  • Unlimited Devices
  • Administration console
  • Support through online chat and/or tickets
  • We do NOT allow spam accounts for TRIAL

Monthly TIER

  • 80 USD per month.
  • Use our cloud REST API and online APP.
  • Maximum 15000 requests per month.
  • Maximum 50 requests per MINUTE.
  • You own the commercial copyright to use it in your apps.
  • Get 12 types of qRCodes.
  • Configurable colors for qRCode modules.
  • You may put your logo at the cter otextf qRCode.
  • Unlimited Devices.
  • Administration console.
  • Premium support through online chat and/or tickets, very supportive help and quick responses.

Yearly TIER
(15% Discount)

  • 816 USD per year.
  • Use our cloud REST API and online APP.
  • Maximum 15000 requests per month.
  • Maximum 50 requests per MINUTE.
  • You own the commercial copyright to use it in your apps.
  • Get 12 types of qRCodes.
  • Configurable colors for qRCode modules.
  • You may put your logo at the cter of qRCode.
  • Unlimited Devices.
  • Administration console.
  • Premium support through online chat and/or tickets, very supportive help and quick responses.

Note: VAT rate may be added or not, function to your country and/or if you are a taxable person or company.